Sunday, November 05, 2006

Where's Issue #10?

Naturally, this is a question that has been asked plenty as of late, as the premiere color issue of Dark Wisdom has not, as of yet, materialized in bookstores and in the hands of subscribers. I wanted to get the remaining items worked out so that I could answer the question definitively.

As mentioned, with issue #10, we have switched to a full color format. Unfortunately, switching to color meant we had to use a new printer. The process usually takes some tweaking, and it can be more difficult the first time.

Unfortunately, in our case, things were even more difficult than usual - due to a few issues on the printer's end, the entire magazine had to be re-printed.

But there is good news. I now hold in my hand an advance copy of Dark Wisdom, sent to us for approval, and the advance copy is up to spec. So the printer should be wrapping up soon, and then copies will be shipped to distributors (just in time, unfortunately, to hit holiday shipping traffic, but it can't be avoided).

With issue #10, we pick up a new distributor. There's a lot of that going around at ESP lately, but more on that in another post. Disticor will now be distributing Dark Wisdom to chains and independent booksellers throughout Canada. We are quite excited and look forward to this new relationship with Disticor.

Some of you may recall that we had a misprint problem that occured with issue #3 as well, and that we did manage to acquire of a few of the misprints, which are only available in the Dark Wisdom Anniversary Collection (at no extra charge for the misprint itelf). I'm afraid that we were not able to do the same with #10, so you will have to enjoy Dark Wisdom in the full-color non-misprinted glory in which it was originally intended.

-Deborah Jones
Elder Signs Press


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